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Between games and art, as many philosophers and artists have written, there are similarities and differences: in art, the author is entirely responsible for his work, while games (and video games) provide for at least a shared responsibility between author and player, yet both forms provide for a suspension of the rules of everyday reality, to project the art user or the player into another universe of rules. Do you think that video games can aspire, in the present or in the future, to a "noble" statute like that of the arts? Justify your answer (whether positive or negative) by specifying whether this process should include specific transformations of the videogame "product" or whether specific studies and initiatives like ours could assist this process.
Some art forms, once considered purely popular and commercial, took the plunge from mere craftsmanship to the world of high culture when a generation of intellectuals committed themselves to practicing them: for example, the French directors of the "Nouvelle vague" “created” auteur cinema. Do you think a similar process could also involve the world of video games?
Videogames interest scientific psychology more and more today, also due to the negative effects of pathologies of ludo addiction in the youngest. Do you think a relationship can be traced between videogames and existential anxiety?
The fiction "Westworld" showed a world/game in which killing does not involve specific responsibilities (because it was not humans who were killed, but robots). Do you think there is a link between video games and "experiments" with death like this? Is this link between videogames and death good or bad for you?
According to your point of view or your direct experience, can video games support traditional teaching tools in school practice? Is it also possible to introduce game mechanics and dynamics (“gamification”) into the school, such as points or levels or rewards or badges, to involve pupils in a different way? Justify your answer, both affirmative and negative.
The number and forms of "educational agencies", ie contexts in which the education of the individual takes place, is today growing and metamorphosing. The school, the family and other traditional agencies are joined by "social" communities, the cultural productions of the large entertainment multinationals and by now traditional tools such as cinema and television. In your opinion, what role do video games play in the education of school-age children and young people?
After the collapse of the Berlin wall, politics and geopolitics underwent an exceptional transformation in the times and ways of government, international relations and confrontation. In the famous film "Wargames", made before the wall collapsed, a sophisticated artificial intelligence stopped for a moment before starting the end of the world with an atomic conflict because it "understood" that in a war of that type there could be no winner . Many videogames simulate wars, battles, conquests with historical or fantastic settings, many others are purely entertainment. Simulations in which, say, Nazi Germany can win World War II could be seen as propaganda (or conversely study) of that political model. The diffusion of massive entertainment could be considered a way of controlling popular malcontent as are, for example, the most popular sports. Can video games have, in your opinion, a value (positive or negative) also in the political education of citizens? In what ways?